What is a radiologist?
Your imaging exam was interpreted by a board-certified physician with training in Diagnostic/Interventional Radiology. This training represents 10 years or more of post-graduate education and many more years of clinical practice experience. ( meet the team)

Why did I receive a radiology bill?
You are receiving a bill from Radiology Associates, L.L.C. because a medical imaging exam was performed at the request of your physician.
A report of your imaging findings was sent to the referring physician.
- The total cost of many medical services may be comprised of two separate fees. Your bill from the hospital or clinic may include a separate charge for the use of its equipment, supplies, and technical personnel.
- You may also receive bills from other physicians or clinical providers who were involved in your care if you were a patient in a hospital or clinic.
The balance due on this statement represents your payment responsibility, after insurance.
There are three ways to pay your bill:
- Pay Online securely at www.peryourhealth.com.
- Pay by Phone at (866) 599-5939.
- Pay by Check and mail the address shown on the statement.