What is Teleradiology?
Teleradiology combines the convenience of telemedicine with the power of diagnostic imaging. Using real-time video, physicians and specialists can help to identify conditions from across the country with digital imaging and HIPPA-compliant software. This service has helped to fill in the gaps in smaller, rural-area clinics and hospitals that may not have access to highly trained specialists. Now, these facilities can send off digital imaging scans to expert physicians in other areas for them to assist with accurate interpretation and diagnostics. Radiology revolutionized diagnostics when the X-ray was first discovered in 1895, allowing scientists to see through solid objects to their internal structure. Since then, medical advances have made the process safer and more reliable than ever before. The X-ray, computer tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, positron emission tomography (PET) scans, and more have significantly changed the way that physicians tackle diagnostics and interventional treatments. As imaging shifts into the digital age, teleradiology has advanced the field even further by bringing certified specialists to patients in the farthest corners of the globe. At Radiology Associates, the benefits of teleradiology have enhanced the patient experience. Our model is proven to provide better patient care and is used in over 20 facilities across the United States. Doctors from across the country can send digital imaging scans to our facility for accurate and expedient diagnostics from our fellowship-trained radiologists, and vice versa. Analysis of digital scans by leading experts can now be performed from anywhere, at any time! We provide more than a dozen HL7 interfaces, using the international standard for digital communications containing patient information. The ability to send results through electronic medical records platforms (EMR), hospital information systems (HIS), and radiology information systems (RIS) from a variety of providers, including EPIC, McKesson, Cerner, & CSPI, ensures that every file is encrypted and secure. You can rest assured that your patient information will be kept private, regardless of which facility your scans are sent for interpretation. At Radiology Associates, we’re drastically reducing downtime between scans and accurate diagnostics to provide optimal patient experiences with our teleradiology services. Now, patients don’t have to suffer through the agonizing wait for a specialist to review their scans, filled with fear over health problems yet to be discovered. Diagnostics come quickly and efficiently, reducing wait time and expediting treatment. If your primary care physician has recommended imaging, talk with them about your options and how teleradiology can help. Contact Radiology Associates at (225) 757-0552 to schedule a consultation, today.
As a physician, giving a referral to see a specialist is an important part of providing the best patient care possible. Knowing your referral partners is even more important, so you can rest assured that your patient is in the best hands. At Radiology Associates, we are leaders in providing innovative diagnostics and advanced interventional treatment options for patients in Baton Rouge and the surrounding area. The referral process is simple and convenient for physicians. Utilizing teleradiology services, we can provide better care for an even larger number of patients than ever before with convenience no matter where they are. If you have an interest in teleradiology services, please call our office to someone on our administration team. At Radiology Associates, we use advanced technology and international standards for digital communications containing patient information. Every communication is done via our secure, HIPPA-compliant network, so you know that you and your patient’s information is safe. Our fellowship-trained radiologists are on standby to assist with interpretation and analysis of digital scans from anywhere in the country, making it easier to find a dedicated specialist. For more information on our teleradiology service or our referral program, please contact our office at (225) 757-0552.

Providing Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Imaging and Intervention